At certain angles, the heavy glass doors of the Wedgwood Top Pot make a rainbow connection with the sun.
Your Moment of Ravenna Zen: Stylish Stone People
On the east side of 20th Avenue NE, between the Ravenna Park Bridge and NE 65th Street, lives a stone family. They like to dress up when the weather is good. Who doesn’t?!
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Your Moment of Ravenna Zen: Kale Trees
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Your Moment of Ravenna Zen: Velo-Mayor with Vegetables
This is a picture of the mayor riding away on his bicycle with a bunch of carrots:
Mayor Mike McGinn was in our neighborhood on Saturday, December 1 for a “Tour de Ravenna” and a town hall at the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center. This picture was taken after the last stop on the tour (the Ravenna Community Garden) where he was presented with a bunch of carrots grown there.
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Your Moment of Ravenna Zen: Halloween Muddy Waters Coffee Company
I’m a big fan of the Muddy Waters Coffee at the corner of NE 65th Street and 23rd Avenue NE — not because of the drive-through window, but because they DECORATE.
Here’s the stand today, in its Halloween costume:
He could’ve gotten away with it, too, if it wasn’t for those meddling kids.
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Your Moment of Ravenna Zen: Ravenna School Reds
Autumn has definitely arrived: The days are shorter, weather has turned rainy and blustery, and ZOMG look at the trees!
These beauties live on the backside of the Ravenna School Apartments (6545 Ravenna Ave NE), and they are among my fall favorites in our neighborhood.
Jealous much, evergreen?
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Your Moment of Ravenna Zen: Hovering Jack-o-Lanterns
Looking for a new way to decorate your yard with jack-o-lanterns this year? Things are looking up!
We took these photos back in 2010, in the vicinity of NE 68th St and 31st Ave NE.
Eat your heart out, Martha Stewart.
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Your Moment of Ravenna Zen: Bryant Fire Hydrant
I can’t quite recall the cross streets where this guy lives — it’s NE 60th St and 3somethingth Ave NE. And I’m not sure how legal he is — painted city fire hydrant and all. But he is quite, quite cute.
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Your Moment of Ravenna Zen: 5744
So you buy a house on a hill. And no one can see it clearly from the street. And your friends can never find the place. (And neither could ambulances or the police, if it came to that.) So what is a home owner to do?
Well done, 5744.
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Your Moment of Ravenna Zen: “Stop defacing stop signs”
You can find this sign at eastbound NE 70th St at 20th Ave NE.
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