Picardo P-Patch’s First Fundraiser Dinner – You’re Invited

You’ve heard about it, you’ve walked through it, perhaps you’ve even gardened in it. But until now, you’ve never had the chance to DINE in it.

The Picardo P-Patch (NE 80th St and 25th Ave NE) is holding their first fundraiser dinner this Saturday, September 17. The meal starts at 6pm and ends at dusk.

The menu includes appetizers, wine tastings (supplied by a Picardo gardener and Roosevelt’s own Eight Bells Winery), followed by a grand Paella dinner (also provided by a Picardo gardener), and finished with a dessert buffet (ALSO provided by Picardo gardeners).

Why a fundraiser dinner for the garden? Well, mostly because of this beauty:

interior, wide

Have a seat!

It’s the Picaloo, Seattle’s first composting toilet (read about its grand opening back on Saturday, April 3rd here). This fundraiser dinner is designed to help retire the last of the composting toilet debt, as well as provide funds for other Picardo projects (among them: new hose holders and more blueberry plants).

Tickets for the dinner are $30/individual or $50/couple, and there aren’t many left.  Contact Sandra Schaffer (sandras [at] nwlink.com, or 524-1320) to reserve your tickets and/or get additional information.

If tickets for the event are sold out or cost more than you like to contribute, I’m sure Sandra could give you information about other ways to help the garden out.


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  1. […] the Ravenna Blog post of September 14th that advertised this first ever fundraiser dinner for the Picardo P-Patch: Why a fundraiser dinner […]

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