RBCA Board Meeting tonight

The Ravenna-Bryant Community Association has its regularly scheduled Board Meeting tonight, at the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center (6535 Ravenna Avenue NE), from 7-9PM.

Prior to that Board Meeting, however, two committees will be meeting (at 6PM, also at the RECC): The SR 520 Committee and the Communication Committee. Community members are welcome to not only attend these meetings but JOIN these committees, if they feel so moved.

Here is the agenda for tonight’s Board Meeting:

    7:00 pm Welcome and Introductions

      Approval of August Minutes
    7:10 pm Community Meeting

      Set-up (room, laptop, screen, extra maps)
      Help Wanted
      RNA report—format
      Donut hole discussion/vote—format?
      Emergency Prep—format?
    7:35 pm Newsletter/Communications Committee

      Timeline (needs to be delivered before 9/19 RHS meeting w/ Clark)
      Distribution coordinator
      Advertising coordinator
    7:45 pm Committee Reports

      Treasurer’s report
      Transportation Committee
      Community Resilience
      Land Use Committee
    8:15 pm Jorgen’s/NEDC letter
    8:25 pm Old Business
    8:35 pm New Business
    8:45 pm Adjourn

      Clean up room, coordinate with your committee

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