Sunflour Bakery Cafe hit with graffiti; plus, how to report

Reader and long-time resident, Richard, wrote in yesterday to say that the Sunflour Bakery Cafe (3118 NE 65th St) had been tagged by some rather sizable graffiti:

Graffiti found on the east side of the Sunflour Bakery Cafe building

He’d like to find those responsible and see them made to account for their misdeeds (as would we).

Close-up of the graffiti/tag

If we learn anything more about this tagging (we left contact information at the Sunflour this morning), we’ll be sure to post an update here.


So, what can you do if you spot some new graffiti/tagging in the neighborhood?

If the graffiti is on public property, you can call the Graffiti Report Line at (206) 684-7587. Additionally, Seattle Public Utilities has an online Report Graffiti Form which includes sizeable text boxes in which to describe the vandalism, location, and any other comments you may have. I would also recommend taking a picture of the graffiti and saying you have such on the form or within your phone call.

If you have graffiti on your own private property, call the Seattle Police Department at (206) 625-5011 to file a police report.

If you see graffiti in progress, however, DO call 911. Graffiti vandals must be caught in the act to be prosecuted, says the SPD.

More information on Seattle Public Utilities Graffiti Prevention and Removal can be found here.


  1. Mert26_712 says:

    My home was hit several times and we actually had the bandits on security video. Nothing was ever done about it. We were told to remove the graffiti as soon as possible. I do not blame the SPD…Seattle is a big city with lots of things for the SPD to do and not enough people to do it. I just wanted to say this so there would not be a big disappointment when nothing is done.

  2. Roosevelt dad says:

    The most important thing the victim of a tagger/graffiti can do is remove the offending marks within 24-48 hours. This denies the tagger the reward of seeing their handiwork. It is the best way to reduce repeat/copycat offenses. “Goodbye Graffiti” has thes best rates for removal that have found,, and they are expert at removal from difficult surfaces such as sandstone.

  3. Mac Enthusiast says:

    I don’t think we should accept the status quo, where “nothing is done” about graffiti vandals. We need to all contact our elected officials and demand action, and if they do not respond, then I believe that traps should be set for the vandals by property owners, and when caught, they should not be turned over to the police.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Always report tagging. Police have picture records, & can determine gang tags from young knucklehead tags. Either attack diminishes a neighborhood. This one looks like the latter…

  5. YouareDumb says:

    You are all clueless. You aren’t going to find the writer, there is nothing you can do to prevent future tags on your open wall, and police only have records on taggers they have caught, which is very few. Either buff it or leave it. This little posse of vigilant finger pointers makes you all look stupid.

  6. Watch the movie: “Bomb It”

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