Restaurant Inspection Round-Up Resurrection

Remy!I did this feature for a while on the now-deceased Ravenna Nation blog, and I kinda miss it.

Here’s a couple of recent-ish local restaurant inspections:

  • PAIR (March 18) – Proper Consumer Advisory not posted for raw or undercooked foods, inadequate equipment for temperature control, and improper cooling procedures
  • SUBWAY 7347 35th Av Ne (February 25) – In-use utensils improperly stored

Can’t speak for the SUBWAY as I’ve never eaten there, but I’d still take PAIR over them ANY DAY.

Here’s the homepage for King County’s Food Protection Program, should you want to use your facebooking time in a more constructive way.


  1. These luckily aren’t horrible inspection failures. I’m not sure I want to read anything worse, especially if it’s a restaurant I like! 🙂

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