Why tweet when we could blog? Well, a lot of this stuff just doesn’t warrant a full post (ex. Klingons in Ravenna Park). And some of it are links to articles that we didn’t write (but you should read nonetheless). And some of these things are quite ephemeral and don’t keep well. AND, we shall admit, some of it is just us being wacky.
So, once again, for your reading pleasure, the notable tweets of the week:
- @ravenna3rdplace Looks like Nellie’s got a book, too. Seems a bit more, juicy. A fair and balanced interview: http://tinyurl.com/2ad3x6z
- MTV’s MADE is casting at University Village on MON, 6/21 from 12 -4 pm! Check out www.madecasting.mtv.com for details! (via @UVillage)
- Just so you know: Searching for ‘Ravenna’ in twitter nets you a LOT of Italian. And one reference to Klingons.
- We’ve been meaning to tell you: If you and yours are holding a garage sale, we’d be happy to spread the word for you.
- Land Use meeting scheduled for July 21 (Determ. of Significance). Land in question? Sisleyville. Bulletin link: http://tinyurl.com/2efkys4
- Get your organization to sustainability RT @SeaNeighborhood Neighborhood Assist. Cent. offers free community workshop http://bit.ly/bnxL7N
- No off-leash area in new Maple Leaf Res. Park? Better make room for one on your reservoir, @roosiehood.
- GREAT synopsis. LOVE that guy. RT @roosiehood [New post] Notes from the North Link Light Rail community meeting: http://bit.ly/ds3Mei
- Zoo Tunes added a show: CYNDI LAUPER! September 2. Here’s more info: http://www.zoo.org/Page.aspx?pid=1320#lauper
- Good news: The McDonald’s on 25th is closed! Bad news: It’s just going to be a McDonald’s again.
- RT @udistrictdaily Farmers market feast! Big event in Aug: http://www.udistrictdaily.com/2010/06/15/u-district-hosts-farmers-market-feast/
- Univ Presbyterian Church is holding some gatherings for 20-30yo in Ravenna Park this summer. Schedule, info here: http://tinyurl.com/265klom
- May I recommend our local @zeekspizza for your World Cup viewing? Sound on TVs was turned OFF and KEXP was playing. Not a horn to be heard.
- Dahl wading pool will be open 3 days a week, Ravenna wading pool to be CLOSED this year. See page 9 here: http://bit.ly/bfReuM
Personally, I think Klingons always deserve a full post…
Personally, I think Klingons always deserve a full post…
Well, true. But I only know one word of Klingon, and only verbally: “Yuch.”
It means “chocolate.”
Well, true. But I only know one word of Klingon, and only verbally: “Yuch.”
It means “chocolate.”